Psalm 138:8“The Lord will perfect that which concerns me….”
What peace flooded my soul when I discovered this scripture many years ago! I realised I shouldn’t ever worry about anything. If you would take a hold of this truth today, it’ll open up new vistas for you. Since the One who owns tomorrow says He’ll perfect all that concerns you, then you need not fret about your future. Understand that He’s more concerned about your success than you could ever be.
Don’t throw away your big dreams, and don’t let anyone belittle them. Only believe the Word of God, and let Him guide you by His Holy Spirit. The Bible says, “Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track” (Proverbs 3:5-6 MSG).
Holding on to God’s Word is the key to living a fruitful and productive life, free of fear and worry. As you trust Him with your life, you’ll experience His peace. Peace is a result of trust, and trust is a product of knowledge. Today, God’s total commitment to you is echoed in this message. Don’t take it lightly. He’s indeed big enough to take care of you. Trust Him with all your heart, and you’ll experience overwhelming joy and fulfilment today, and a future full of His glory and grace.