And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death (Revelation 12:11).
Some Christians sometimes find themselves in a situation where, right after testifying of a miracle or a prophecy they received from the Lord, everything seems to turn upside down. For example, someone received healing and went ahead to testify openly of his miracle. Shortly after, the same symptoms he used to experience came back, and became even more severe. That’s an attack from the enemy, testing your confidence in what God has done in your life. At such times, what you ought to do is to maintain your testimony. You keep your victory shout on and refuse to allow those symptoms rob you of the healing you’ve received.
See Also: My Confidence Is In The Word Of God
That you’re not “feeling” any symptom of sickness isn’t the proof that you’ve been healed. The proof of your healing is the Word of God. So, concerning your miracle, always maintain your testimony; don’t give in to the lies of the devil. The devil isn’t going to stand back and congratulate you when you receive a miracle from God. He’ll fire all his darts at you; but refuse to be moved.
It’s like what transpired right after the baptism of Jesus at the Jordan. God spoke out of heaven and said “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). Immediately, satan came to Jesus and asked “If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread” (Matthew 4:3). He tried to counter the very word God spoke about Jesus. But the Master was smarter than that; He told satan off with the Word. That’s what you need to do when satan comes to you with his lies and railing accusations; use the Word against him.
Whenever you receive a miracle or a word from God, you have just signed up for a fight of faith. The enemy will try all his antics and tactics to deceive you, but maintain your testimony, irrespective of how tough times get. That way, you deflate the enemy and deflect all the lying darts he throws at you (Ephesians 6:16, 2 Corinthians 2:11).
Oh Thank you Lord Jesus for grace that keeps manifesting in my life..
I love you Lord Jesus
I receive emotions wisdom and I prevail