And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6).
The expression, “sit together” is from the Greek “sugkathizō” and it means “joint sitting.” It’s a legal term, and the Scripture can’t be broken. That means Jesus’ authority has been extended to us; we’re
using the same authority with Him. Thus, everything Jesus utters is in our name, and everything we utter is in His Name. He doesn’t make a decision without us, and we don’t make a decision without Him. This
is hugely profound!
Our joint sitting isn’t earthly; it’s heavenly. It’s been decided from heaven. We’re His legal representatives in the earth. What we say in the earth is endorsed in the heavens. Understanding this is very important. It means you alone can take a stand on God’s Word and
effect a change on the basis of this understanding, and it’ll be endorsed from heaven.
Some people think that until all the Christians in the world come together to stand against Satan and his antics and deception, then nothing can change. But think about it: our theme verse—Ephesians 2:6—wasn’t written to the Corinthians, neither was it sent to the
Thessalonians; they probably never had access to the information. So, every Christian wasn’t at the same level of faith or knowledge at every point in time then; neither are they now.
However, what God expects is that those of us who have come to maturity, who have an understanding of His Word and of the times, will take our stand and our place in Christ to keep Satan under our feet where he belongs. That’s what’s important.
With this kind of knowledge, you maintain control of things in your life, your environment, and the world. You nullify Satan’s plans and works and pull them down by the power of the living Christ. Don’t be troubled by what’s hapening in the world today; use your authority in Christ. You reign in Him and through Him over Satan, darkness, the world, and circumstances.
Therefore, subdue your world. Let nothing but Christ reign in your physical body, in your job or business, in your family, and your world. Remember, you’re seated with Him in glory, with the same authority. Praise God forevermore!
The Lord Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, far above all principality, and power, might, and dominion, and every name that is named, and I have joint sitting with Him! I’m seated with Him in
glory. I reign in Him and through Him over Satan, darkness, the world, and circumstances. Hallelujah!
Luke 10:19 AMPC; 1 John 4:17; Ephesians 1:20-23
1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Mark 1:1-20 & Leviticus 6-7
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Acts 18:1-11 & Psalm 19-20