John 15:16 CEV “You did not choose me. I chose you and sent you out to produce fruit, the kind of fruit that will last. Then my Father will give you whatever you ask for in my name.”
For some people, prayer is just a religious routine they carry out, something they feel obligated to do every day without any expectation whatsoever. When you ask them, “Do you pray every day?” they’re quick to reply, “Oh yes, I do; as a matter of fact, several times a day.”
But if you press and ask, “So do you receive answers when you pray?” at that point they’re not so sure what answer to give. Some might say, “Yes, I receive answers; God protects me. I go to bed at night, and He wakes me up every morning.”
But that’s not an answer to prayer, because human beings are supposed to sleep and wake up. It’s the normal course of life. God wants you to have a vibrant, supernatural, and result-oriented prayer life. When you pray, it’s your divine right to be heard as a priest of God (Revelation 1:6). Knowing that your heavenly Father hears you should excite you, and make you audacious in your faith to ask and receive
God loves you and wants you prosperous, healthy, and sound. He’s your heavenly Father, and He loves you passionately—as much as He loves Jesus. So, whatever you want right now, ask and receive from Him, because you’ll always get an answer.
Father I give thanks to you for loving me dearly. I’m prosperous, I’m healthy, I’m sound. Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.
Comment: Father i give you thanks for caring for me and my family. I’m a success, prosperous and healthy. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.