God’s promises in the new testament are of a special kind. Learn more in today’s Rhapsody. Download the January edition from the store on your Rhapsody app. Isaiah 2:2 says, ”And it...
Promises Backed With Supply Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having...
Iyobo Odiase once lived a vibrant life until he started experiencing sudden weakness and swelling in his body. Upon visiting the hospital, he was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome and in the process...
The Bible records the numerous miracles that the Lord Jesus performed when he walked the earth. His disciple, the apostle John reckoned with the extent of the miracles, saying: “there are also...
Watch this insightful video as the man of God; Pastor Chris gives insights into the deep revelation of God’s Word pertaining to the new creation. Remember to post comments below. God...
Year-long nonstop global prayer marathon kicks off, set to effect tremendous change in the world. The epochal year-long global Pray-a-Thon with the man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome has...
"This Year of Perfection, you will experience endless possibilities by the power of the Holy Ghost!" — Pastor Chris to global congregants. The first Global Communion Service in 2020 with the...
The Invincible Life I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life ...
Get ready to move to a new and higher level of grace at the ”Two days of glory” with Pastor Chris at Cocacola arena Dubai, scheduled to hold February 27, 2020, Thursday 6...
Pastor Chris honors young African female leader for courage, resilience and passion for humanity.  The 2019 Future Africa Leaders Award (FALA) is one of the highpoints of the December 31st...